
Cruelty Free Cosmetics – What You Should Know 

 August 8, 2020

By  Root Minerals

Cruelty-free cosmetics, also known as “compassionate cosmetics” is a niche category that encompasses all cosmetics which are not tested on animals before distribution. The FDA has yet to set a legal standard that binds this word to a specific set of standards.

Animal testing for cosmetics has been banned in most countries. However, the United States has yet to adopt a similar policy. There are some exceptions, however. The US Food and Drug Administration to permit testing on fish, and birds, but not mammals.

A lot of cosmetics companies will state they use animal test and it is in their labels. Unfortunately, these statements may be false. Companies can put this type of label on their packaging but cannot always provide the source of the animal test. Also, many cosmetics companies do not provide the number of animals they have used or how long the test has lasted. This is not enough to make you aware of the animal test, which can be conducted on more than one animal.

If you are unsure of whether or not your product contains any animal test, it is important to check with an animal welfare organization. These organizations have a list of manufacturers they have researched and found no evidence that the company uses animal testing for their products. You should always ask to see the manufacturer’s statement of ingredients to make sure that there are no animal tests in their product.

Cruelty free cosmetics are not just limited to products that are tested on animals, however. Some companies may be aware of the risks of using certain chemicals and still use them anyway. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) conducted research on cosmetics and found that about half of the cosmetics used in the United States contained one or more of the chemicals listed. In most cases, the compounds were derived from petroleum byproducts.

If you or someone you know suffers from animal cruelty, contact an animal-welfare organization. Your voice may change the world.

One of the ways you can help combat animal cruelty and its effects on our planet is to buy products that don’t use animal products at all. The more people who use cruelty-free products, the fewer animals are put through the suffering they face on a daily basis. This is something you can do.

The best way to find cruelty-free cosmetics is through the internet. There are several websites that will help you find cruelty-free cosmetics based on your specific needs. If you want to save animals and the environment, start shopping for cruelty-free cosmetics online.

Once you learn more about cruelty-free products, you’ll be better able to shop and make your choice for yourself and those around you. The good news is there are a lot of cruelty-free options out there.

Root Minerals

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